Thursday, December 31, 2009

women unbound reading challenge review

Blind rage
Author Georgina Kleige
This book is a compillation of letters to Helen Keller. The author is a blind woman. The letters are designed to illustrate her rage at Helen Keller. Throughout the book, her subsequent rage develops into a slight admiration of Ms. Keller.
As a woman who is toally blind, unlike Ms. Kliege, I couldn't relate to her rage against Helen Keller. I could relate to some of the points that she brought up. Like the fact that Helen Keller is viewed as the perfect blind person. This idea is maddening. I agree with the author. Society sees Helen Keller as perfect and the representative of what a blind person is, and should be. Especially whin it comes to blind women.
What I learned from this book is that there are many things about the life of Helen Keller that we do not know. I had know idea about the plagiarism trial. I also learned that even though Helen Keller is placed on a pedistal and will be for as long as forever lasts. This fact is something that we as blind women and as people who are blind in some way will have to deal with. I give this book 3 stars which is representative of liking it. After reading this book, I did wonder what was edited out of the final transcriptl. It just seemed that the Author's view changed abruptly. Thus, causing me to rate it as a 3 and not higher.

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